Customer Testimonials

Hi Captain Mike! Just wanted to say thank you for booking our annual Buffalo Team Boca Tarpon Party. I wanted to tell you how much we appreciate the time and effort, plus tremendous angling expertise you have provided over the years. You always make our tarpon fishing trips perfect in every way. I have lost count but I think we have tarpon fished every Memorial Day weekend for the past 15 years! The only year we changed our date was when my son got married, and the team tried to get me to change the wedding date instead! Aside from all the tarpon you have put us on (dozens of fish, including my first tarpon ever), I want you to know how much fun we have just being there with you. Your boat and gear are always immaculate and first class. Your emphasis on safety lets us all just relax and enjoy the fishing. From sunrise on Boca Grande Pass, to sight casting to tarpon, snook and reds on the beach, to flats fishing for tarpon and redfish, you have provided enough memorable moments for a lifetime of angling. We can’t wait to see you in May. The saddest day of every year is the day our trip with you ends. When I’m retired we’ll go for a week. See you soon Mike.
Warm regards,

I’m from Maryland and I fish all over the world, but I always enjoy going Tarpon fishing in Boca Grande with Captain Mike. Whenever I go fishing in Florida I go with him. He has the skill and expertise to catch the biggest and best Tarpon. It never fails to give a rush seeing them jump from the water. A trip to Tampa just isn’t complete without it!
John from Maryland

Going Tarpon fishing in Tampa Bay is as exciting as it sounds! Go with an experienced guide like Captain Mike. He understands how to catch Tarpon in Tampa Bay and Boca Grande Pass so it just makes the experience that much better. I’ve been out only a few times and plan to come back again. Each trip has been great!
Lisa from Clearwater, FL

Once you have hooked a tarpon, you are hooked for life! I’ve been Tarpon fishing at Boca Grande and in Tampa Bay for the last ten or twelve years with Mike and I have never had a bad trip. Even if we get blown out of the Gulf because of weather, we still catch Redfish in the flats. Whether we’re fishing in Boca Grande Pass or the Tarpon Springs flats we always catch.
Bill Smick from West Virginia

What can I say, Mike is a great captain, but more importantly he is a terrific person. I have been fishing with Captain Mike for eight years and each trip has been loaded with action, fun and new adventure.Fishing Boca Grande Pass is everything you read about. It is “controlled chaos,” which Mike handles with ease. I’ve hooked a few tarpon in Florida on the Boca Grande Pass and enjoyed it very much. But the most fun and excitement that I have ever had with Captain Mike is sight-casting for Tarpon with spinning gear. Thanks to Captain Mike’s patience and great verbal instructions, which even I can understand (“reel… reel… reel!”) I think anyone can learn to catch a Silver King! I’ve fished with other captains for various fish, but Captain Mike is without a doubt number one! Thank you, Mike!
Danny from Buffalo, NY
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E-mail Capt. Mike or call 727-243-8918 today to book your next tarpon fishing charter!